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Small Estates (Distribution) Act 1955

Small Estates (Distribution) Act 1955 (previously known as Small Estates Ordinance 1955) is the main law that is used for the management of small estates. Since its commencement until now, several review and amendments have been done.

Overall this Act explains about the definition of small estates, jurisdiction power, work flow which starts from the petition for distribution of estate, hearing, order making to the appeal process at high court. Apart from this Act, there are other small estates distribution rules which outlines the procedural implementation and the usage of forms that are used in the small estates distribution matter.

In determining the distribution, Faraid Law is used when it involves the Muslims estate, while Distribution Act 1958 is used when it involves the Non-Muslims. The foundation of Faraid Law is based on the Quran and Hadith, among it are verse 11, 1, and 176 of Surah An Nisa.

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