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  1. Started to function as a Special Mobile Unit, Melaka in 1979 and placed in Wisma Persekutuan, Jalan Hang Tuah, Melaka.
  2. Started operations as a Federal Department at state level effective February 2000 and known as the Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (JKPTG) of Melaka.
  3. The scope and functions of JKPTG (P) of Melaka includes land acquisition activities for the projects of Federal Government and Federal Statutory Bodies, Federal Government land management including enforcement actions and small estates.



1.  Land Acquisition Unit
Process, coordinate and ensure land acquisition matters are managed in accordance with APT 1960, Land Acquisition Methods 1998 as well as laws and regulations related to land administration.

2.  Federal Land Unit
Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of Land Management covering the aspects of complete record keeping and updates, monitoring progress on Federal Land management, leasing and acquisition, enforcement and revenue collection.
3.  Administration and Finance Unit
Provide support services in matters relating to administration, finance and services.
4.  Estate Distribution Unit
Manage the settlements of small estates.
5.  Information Technology Unit
The main role of the Information Technology Unit is to be fully responsible on the implementation of computerization projects in JKPTG Melaka, ensuring that all information technology needs and facilities which include the hardware, software, network and ICT infrastructure in JKPTG Melaka are managed and administered appropriately and safely to support the achievement of objectives of JKPTG Melaka.


Objective, Vission and Mission


  1. To establish an excellent  national land management in line with the aspirations of the national development 
  2. Towards excellent, glorious and eminent national land management
  3. To enhance land management system in order to be efficient and reach a quality standard nationwide pursuant to the National Development Policy 
  4. To improve efficiency in  the federal land management, settlement of estate distribution, land acquisition and enforcement.
Client Charter
  1. Bring the complete treatise for consideration of the State Authority (PBN) to the State Executive Council (MMKN) within 30 working days.
  2. Land development applications are processed within 30 working days from the date the complete application is received from the District Land Administrator (PTD) until it is brought to the Boundary Subdivision and Land Division Committee Meeting (JKBB).
  3. Application for Permission to Transfer Ownership:
    • Approval from the Lands and Mines Director (PTG) of Melaka
      • Processed within 21 working days from the date the complete application is received from the District Land Administrator (PTD) until PTG approval.
    • Approval from the Chief Minister of Melaka
      • Processed within 30 working days from the date the complete application is received from the District Land Administrator (PTD) until sent to the Chief Minister’s Office.
  4. Memorandum to the Chief Minister for the complete application of Surrender and Re-alienation (SBMS) from the PTD until the decision is informed to PTD within 60 working days.
  5. Transaction and non-transaction registrations will be processed within 7 working days.
  6. Manage in obtaining the consideration of the State Authority regarding the acquisition of land under Section 3(1)(b) and 3(1)(c) of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 until actions of gazetting within 150 working days.
  7. Strata management involving the application of Building Subdivisions (Strata Titles) will be processed from the submission date of complete applications until the registration within 70 working days (affairs at PTGM only).
  8. Decision on appeals for quitrent instalment payment will be notified to PTD within 14 working days from the date the application is received.
  9. Feedback on public enquiries and complaints will be given within 7 working days. .
Aras 4, Podium 1, Menara PETRA
No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4,
62574 Putrajaya
No. Telefon : +603 8000 8000
Faks              : +603 8889 3855


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