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The Selangor Department of Lands and Mines was established on 1st. February 2000. It was formally known as the Special Mobile Unit (UKB), and its specific role then was to carry out land acquisition process for Federal projects. The Estate Unit functions independently. UKB Selangor was established on 1st. April 1979 and placed in the Office of the State Lands and Mines. The UKB consisted of two (2) two units, namely the UKB  of Sabak Bernam, and the UKB of Shah Alam and Kuala Selangor Expressway before it was converted into State JKPTG. The Selangor Department of Lands and Mines is relocated at Level 10, Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam after vacating the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Building in March 2003. However, the Department has been shifted into its own building which is located at Bandar Baru Kelang, in Jun 2012.


  1. Federal Land Property
    To collect information, coordinate and supervise the managemnet of federal   land property .
  2. Distribution of Estate
    To process  applications for small estate distribution.
  3. Enforcement of Federal Revenue
    To prepare reports, coordinate enforcement, and  give assistance  in the  supervision of   federal revenue collection.
  4. Land Acquisition
    To process the  applications of land acquisition for public  purposes for    Federal agencies.


Objective, Mission & Vision
  1. Towards excellence, glory and distinction in national land management.
  2. To establish  excellence, glory and distinction  in  land management  in line with the national development policy.
  3. To improve the land management and legal system in order to produce  efficient and quality  performance nationwide.
  4. To improve the efficiency of  the federal land management, land acquisition, estate distribution, and the development of legislation and enforcement.
Client Charter

We are committed:

  • to provide quality and excellent services to each and every business function that is related to  the mission and objectives of the department;
  • to provide  excellent services  with full responsibility and commitment in accordance with  universal values ​​and norms;
  • to   ensure that you, as JKPTG’s clients,  are our top priority.
Aras 4, Podium 1, Menara PETRA
No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4,
62574 Putrajaya
No. Telefon : +603 8000 8000
Faks              : +603 8889 3855


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