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Background on The National Land Code

The National Land Code (NLC) is the law regarding Land Administration in the Peninsular Malaysia. Yet, it does not apply in the state of Sabah and Sarawak. Nothing in this Act can affect the previous implementation or anything that is made under, any previous land law, so far as they relate to land, the provisions of any other law enacted before the commencement of this Act.


Except in so far as it is expressly provided to the contrary, nothing in this Act shall affect the provisions of:


Any law for the time being in force relating to customary tenure;;


Any law for the time being in force relating to Malay reservations or Malay holdings;


Any law for the time being in force relating to mining;


Any law for the time being in force relating to sultanate lands;


Any law for the time being in force relating to wakaf or bait-ul-mal.


The Terengganu Settlement Enactment, 1356.


The Padi Cultivators (Control of Rent and Security of Tenure), Act 1967.


The Kelantan Land Settlement Act 1955


The Land (Group Settlement Areas) Act 1960.


The Perlis Land Settlement Enactment 1966.


Any law for the time being in force relating to exemptions from the payment of land revenue.

Aras 4, Podium 1, Menara PETRA
No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4,
62574 Putrajaya
No. Telefon : +603 8000 8000
Faks              : +603 8889 3855


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