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Checklist on Small Lease

For Sarawak;

  1. Approval letter of rental from the Sarawak Federal Secretary Office.
  2. Certified copy of title or Official Search from the Land and Survey Office.
  3. Land use requirements similar to the purpose of rental.
  4. Consent from the parties with interests on the land, if any.
  5. 3 sets of Memorandum of Sublease (Form L) completed and signed by the landlord/ building owner @ Power of Attorney (PA) Holder (Make sure copy of the PA Letter is attached, if signed by the PA Holder).
  6. 6 sets of the Small Lease Agreement signed by the landlord/ building owner.
  7. Name of PTP is placed as the party to sign the agreement.
  8. Name of landlord/ building owner in the agreement is the same as the name of the registered owner.
  9. Agreement has been signed by the landlord/ building owner or Power of Attorney Holder.
  10. Tenancy & rental payments are the same as in the rental approval letter.
  11. Plans.
  12. Certified uniform agreement by the Ministry.
  13. Confirmation from PKP JKPTG.

For Sabah;

  1. Approval letter of rental from the Sabah Federal Secretary Office (SUP).
  2. Certified copy of title or Official Search from the Land and Survey Office. Land use requirements similar to the purpose of rental.
  3. Consent from the parties with interests on the land, if any.
  4. 3 sets of Memorandum of Sublease (Form LSF 18/28) completed and signed by the landlord/ building owner @ Power of Attorney (PA) Holder (Make sure copy of the PA Letter is attached, if signed by the PA Holder).
  5. 6 sets of the Small Lease Agreement signed by the landlord/ building owner.
  6. Name of PTP is placed as the party to sign the agreement.
  7. Name of landlord/ building owner in the agreement is the same as the name of the registered owner.
  8. Agreement has been signed by the landlord/ building owner or Power of Attorney Holder.
  9. Tenancy & rental payments are the same as in the rental approval letter.
  10. Plans.
  11. Certified uniform agreement by the Ministry.
  12. Confirmation from PKP JKPTG.

Checklist on Purchase Certificate

    1. No restrictions provided that the land is free from any encumbrances.
    2. Obtain approval from the Local Authority regarding the zoning of area.
    3. All terms of SPP 11/2007 are fully complied with.


    1. Mortgage/ collateral must be released first prior to the ownership transfer to PTP.
    2. The stating of land use requirements category should be changed according to the suitability of the purpose of purchase prior to the ownership transfer.
    3. Written authorization to transfer of ownership from PBN is obtained first.
    4. Written authorization from PBN is obtained first for ownership transfer of Malay Reserve Lands/ Custom Lands (Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Melaka, Perak, Terengganu).
    5. For SARAWAK; Ensure the written approval from the State Planning Council (SPA) is obtained first for purchase purposes.
    6. Others.


    1. Holding period is less than 5 years.
    2. For a lease term of less than 60 years.
    3. There is a caveat on the land.
    4. Land is a Malay Reserve Land/ Custom Land (Pahang, Penang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah, Sarawak).
Aras 4, Podium 1, Menara PETRA
No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4,
62574 Putrajaya
No. Telefon : +603 8000 8000
Faks              : +603 8889 3855


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