- It was first established in April 1979 and known as the Special Mobile Unit( UKB).
- The first office building was located at the Syed Shabuddin Building, and later relocated at a two -storey shop house before it was shifted to Wisma Farmers in 1999 until today.
- The Pulau Pinang UKB was renamed to Pulau Pinang Department of Lands and Mines (JKPTG) in 2000.
- The Pulau Pinang JKPTG started its operations with a staff of 16 people and the number increased to 47 people in 2008.
- The Pulau Pinang JKPTG consists of five (5) units: The Land Acquisition Unit, The Federal Land Unit / Rice Act, The Administration and Finance Unit, The Information and Estate Distribution Unit.
Functions of the Administrative and Finance Unit
- To receive warrant of provisions from the Head Office of the Department of Lands and Mines and to deliver the warrant to the Accountant General Deparment of Malaysia, and State branches through the e-SPKB.
- To implement and comply with the operating procedures of the e-SPKB.
- To create and update the details of individual payee or suppliers in the e-SPKB.
- To receive, review and prepare staff travel vouchers, bills for expenses of the department, and manage the petty cash.
Functions of the Land Acquisition Unit
- To assist in the issuance of title in continuation through the requisition for survey which is undertaken after the land acquisition process is completed.
- To refer cases of objections made under Section 37 (1) (a) - (d) of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 to the Court.
- To seek for approval from the YB Minister regarding the cancellation of cluster settlement areas.
- To acquire titles from the state authority on land acquisitions.
- To control the use of federal reserve land and to protect it from encroachment.
- To acquire lands for Federal purposes through land acquisition process.
- To accept applications from Ministries, Federal Departments or Agencies
- To write land reports.
- To write paper of recommendations to the State Executive Council.
- Gazette.
- E & F Form
- Trials/ Compensation Award / Order.
- K.Form .
- To update reference books 1/188
Functions of the Federal Unit / Paddy Act
1. To monitor the progress of federal land management, lease and acquisition, enforcement and revenue collection.
2. To ensure efficiency and effectiveness of land management which encompasses a well kept and updated record keeping.
3. To ensure that the management and the interest of the Federal Property is handled with efficiency and effectiveness.
4. To ensure the implementation and the enforcement of the Cultivators (Control of Rent and Security of Tenure) Act 1967.
5. To ensure that all landlords and tenants are aware of the implementation of the Padi Cultivators (Control of Rent and Security of Tenure) Act1967.
6. To detect paddy lands which are leased without signing the Rental Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Paddy Cultivators Act.
7. To ensure that each application to the Court is complete and that the applicant is free of any offence that would delay the Court action.
Functions of the Information Technology Unit
1. To determine the method of hardware and software maintenance by examining the manual or documentations supplied by the vendors of the
hardware and software.
2. To provide maintenance schedule based on the types of hardware and software, and to identify scopes and schedules of maintenance in accordance
with the contract signed.
3. To determine the configuration of the computer network used.
4. To provide a log book (of complaints) of every complaint received from users or consumers.
5. To procure parts required from suppliers.
6. To upgrade computers by increasing the memory capacity, and by adding graphic cards, and other computer appliances.
7. To carry out works on system integration which is related to networking. Networking.
8. To provide online advisory services upon receiving complaints of minor damages.
9. To write reports on the disposal of damaged IT equipments or those which are not in use anymore.
Functions of the Estates Distribution Unit
1. To manage all cases of small estates distribution valued at not more than RM 600,000.00 under the (Distribution) Small Estates Act 1955, (Act 98).
2. To manage all cases of subsequent applications under Section 17 (Act 98).
3. To manage all functions pertaining to public auctions other than benefeciaries related tenders - Section 15 (c) and (d) (Act 98).
4. To implement the requirements of Section 16 (3) and (4) (Act 98) – to manage the money acquired by depositing it in Amanah Raya Berhad.
5. To handle cases to be taken to the High Court under Section 29 Rule 10 Rules Small Estates Distribution Act 1955.
6. To investigate the list of titles at the Land Office in order to determine the ownership of the land of which the owner had died,in persuance of Section
18(Act 98).
Objectives of the Department
- To enhance the land legal and management system so as to achieve efficiency and quality standard nationwide in line with the national development policy.
- To enhance the efficiency of the Federal land management operating system, settlement of estate distribution, land acquisition, enforcement , management and legislation.
- To initiate and lead efforts in reforms in land management to ensure that services are delivered efficiently, effectively, and with quality performance.
- To register the land acquisition application within two (2) working days from the date of receipt.
- To prepare and issue a notice of inquiry (E Form) within seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the confirmation letter that the land has been marked out, and to serve the E Form to the interested person within seven (7) days from the date the public notice is posted (15 notices a day / 1 notice server)
- To hold an inquiry in relation to the acquisition of land within 30 days from the date of public notice (E Form) and to provide a written award of compensation (G Form) in the presence of an interested person within seven (7) days from the date of the court proceedings.
- To prepare and send a notice of award and an offer of compensation (H form) within thre (3) days after the date the Form G is prepared.
- To formally take possession of land through the issuance of the K Form not later than 14 days from the date of issuance of the H Form or of the I Form (as the case may be) and to submit copies to the registrar of titles for endorsements within a period not later than seven (7) days from the date of issuance of the K Form .
- To submit cases of objections to the court within two (2) months from the date of receipt of the completed N Form.
- To submit the Requisition for Survey (PU) for partial acquisition of the land (freehold title) to the Survey Department (JUPEM) within two (2) weeks from the date of the endorsement of the K Form or of the date of receipt of the Free Certificate of Survey, whichever is later.