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Call For Papers Jurnal Land 024
Peralihan to MyLAND
    1. Untuk memberi garis panduan yang ringkas tentang tatacara tuntutan pembahagian pusaka kecil.
    2. Untuk menyedarkan orang ramai betapa pentingnya pembahagian tuntutan pusaka itu perlu dibuat secepat mungkin
    1. Seksyen Pembahagian Pusaka Kecil mempunyai 36 unit di seluruh negara. Setiap unit bertanggungjawab menerima permohonan,membicarakan serta mengeluarkan     perintah pembahagian terhadap dua atau tiga daerah jagaan
    2. Bagi daerah di mana tiada unit pusaka kecil , urusan penerimaan permohonan ( Borang A dan Borang P ) boleh dibuat melalui Pejabat Tanah di daerah-daerah berkenaan
    1. Harta pusaka kecil ialah harta yang ditinggalkan oleh simati dan mempunyai ciri - ciri berikut :-
      1. Simati tidak meninggalkan wasiat ( bagi simati bukan Islam )
      2. Harta itu terdiri daripada :
        1. Harta Tak Alih (Tanah/Rumah) sahaja, atau ;
        2. Harta Tak Alih (Tanah/Rumah )  bersama-sama dengan harta alih seperti wang tunai, saham, kenderaan, carumah KWSP/Insuran ( tanpa penama ), ASN/ASB dan         sebagainya
      3. Jumlah  nilaian keseluruhan harta itu hendaklah tidak melebihi RM2 juta ( mulai 1 September 2009) pada tarikh permohonan dibuat
    1. Setiap permohonan untuk pembahagian pusaka kecil hendaklah dibuat dalam Borang A
    2. Setiap permohonan mestilah disertakan dengan:-
      1. Bukti Kematian.
        1. Sijil kematian/permit menguburkan;  atau
        2. Surat Akuan Sumpah oleh 2 orang saksi bebas yang menyaksikan jenazah dikebumikan, contohnya bagi kematian semasa pendudukan Jepun dan sebelumnya; atau
        3. Perintah Anggapan Kematian yang dikeluarkan oleh  Mahkamah Tinggi dalam keadaan  seperti kematian tanpa kubur, hilang semasa pendudukan Jepun, tragedi 13 Mei 1969, tragedi Muassem, dan perintah ini hanya boleh didapati selepas 7 tahun dari tarikh berlakunya  kejadian.
      2. Dokumen Harta Tak Alih - Salinan hakmilik yang diakui sah oleh Pejabat Tanah  atau Perakuan Carian Rasmi yang menunjukkan pegangan harta tak alih simati atau surat perjanjian jualbeli bagi rumah yang belum ada hakmilik yang berasingan, salinan resit cukai pintu bagi kediaman/bangunan Hak Milik Strata yang belum dikeluarkan dan resit cukai tanah (jika ada).
      3. Salinan dokumen harta - harta alih seperti salinan sijil saham, salinan buku akaun simpanan, salinan hak milik kenderaan, salinan penyata KWSP dan sebagainya yang terkini.
    1. Di antara mereka yang berhak memohon adalah seperti berikut:-
      1. Waris - waris simati seperti balu lelaki atau perempuan, anak lelaki atau perempuan, ibu atau bapa, Majlis Agama Islam ( Baitulmal ) dan sebagainya;
      2. Pemiutang dan pengkaveat;
      3. Pembeli di bawah surat perjanjian jual beli yang sah;
      4. Pemegang gadaian atau pemegang pajakan tanah simati;
      5. Penghulu atau Pegawai Petempatan yang diarahkan oleh Pentadbir Tanah;
      6. Amanah Raya Berhad .
    1. Di Unit Pembahagian Pusaka/Pejabat Tanah di mana harta tak alih simati terletak.
    2. Sekiranya simati mempunyai harta tak alih ( tanah ) di banyak tempat sama ada di dalam negeri yang sama atau negeri yang berlainan, permohonan pembahagian kesemua harta tak alih itu hendaklah dikemukakan di salah satu daerah sahaja iaitu di mana harta tak alih itu terletak.
    1. Semua dokumen asal seperti bukti kematian, hakmilik tanah, kad pengenalan, surat beranak, surat nikah, bukti-bukti harta alih dan lain  dokumen yang difikirkan perlu hendaklah dibawa semasa pembicaraan.
    2. Semua pihak yang diminta  hadir adalah dikehendaki hadir  di hari pembicaraan .
    3. Semua keterangan semasa pembicaraan hendaklah diberi  secara bersumpah/berikrar.
    4. Mana-mana waris yang tidak dapat hadir bolehlah mengemukakan Surat Akuan Persetujuan yang ditandatangani di hadapan Pentadbir Tanah, Majistret , Pesuruhjaya Sumpah atau Notaris Awam Sila nyatakan cara pembahagian yang dikehendaki dengan jelas. Surat Akuan Persetujuan boleh didapati di semua Unit Pembahagian Pusaka, Pejabat Tanah atau di muatturun melalui laman web jabatan iaitu www.jkptg.gov.my
    1. Pembahagian adalah mengikut Hukum Syarak bagi orang Islam.
    2. Bagi bukan Islam, Pembahagian adalah mengikut Akta Pembahagian 1958 (Akta 300).
    3. Pembahagian secara muafakat boleh dilaksanakan jika semua waris yang berhak mewarisi harta pusaka simati bersetuju.
    4. Pembahagian bagi pegangan desa di bawah Akta Tanah (Kawasan - kawasan Penempatan Berkelompok )1960  tidak boleh dibuat lebih dari dua orang. Jika lebih dari dua orang yang berhak dan mereka tidak bersetuju secara muafakat memberi kepada dua orang sahaja daripada mereka, Pentadbir Tanah boleh menjual pegangan itu dan hasil jualannya dibahagikan di kalangan orang yang berhak.
    5. Jika simati meninggalkan tanah di Daerah Jelebu, Kuala Pilah, Rembau , Tampin dan Jempol dan ianya adalah ahli sesuatu suku di Negeri Sembilan, pembahagian pusakanya adalah mengikut Bahagian III Akta.
    6. Perintah jualan secara tender dalam keadaan tertentu mengikut peruntukan 15(4)(d) Akta.
    1. Jangkamasa minima memproses sesuatu tuntutan kes biasa adalah dalam tempoh 5 ½ bulan bagi Permohonan Baru – Borang A Seksyen 8
    2. Bagi kes yang melibatkan kematian berlapis dan harta berada didalam daerah yang berlainan jagkamasa proses mungkin meelbihi dari tempoh di atas.
    1. Mana - mana pihak yang tidak puashati dengan perintah pembahagian yang telah dibuat hendaklah membuat rayuan melalui Pentadbir Tanah ke Mahkamah Tinggi dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh perintah  itu dibuat. (Seksyen 29 Akta & Peraturan 10, Peraturan Harta Pusaka Kecil 1955)
    1. Setelah perintah pembahagian dikeluarkan, pihak waris hendaklah mengemukakan hakmilik tanah (Geran) ke Pejabat Tanah berkaitan untuk tujuan pendaftaran perintah pembahagian tersebut.
    2. Bagi maksud pembahagian harta alih, pihak waris hendaklah mengemukakan perintah pembahagian ke agensi /institusi yang bertanggungjawab   terhadap harta alih tersebut.
    1. Ianya adalah satu permohonan yang dibuat selepas permohonan awal ( Borang A- Seksyen 8 Akta ) telah diselesaikan.
      1. Permohonan Berikutnya boleh dibuat dalam keadaan seperti:
        1. Ada harta yang tertinggal di dalam permohonan awal;
        2. Apabila perlu melantik seorang pemegang amanah yang baru;
        3. Apabila perlu melantik seorang  pentadbir yang baru;
        4. Untuk membatalkan suratkuasa tadbir dan pembahagian dibuat secara terus kepada waris simati;
        5. Untuk menarik balik sesuatu Kaveat Pendaftar ;
    2. Setiap permohonan berikutnya hendaklah dengan menggunakan Borang P
    1. Mengelakkan bilangan waris yang ramai akibat daripada kematian berlapis.
    2. Memudahkan proses pembahagian pusaka.
    3. Membolehkan harta pusaka dimanafaat dengan segera bagi faedah semua waris.
    4. Mengelakkan berlakunya tanah terbiar.
    5. Mengelakkan wang simpanan simati dalam mana-mana institusi kewangan, atau koperasi, saham-saham, bon daripada dipindahkan kepada Pentaftar Wang Tak Dituntut. 
    1. Bayaran Pendaftaran:
      1. Percuma bagi permohonan baru (Borang A - Seksyen 8-Akta )
      2. Percuma  bagi Permohonan Berikutnya ( Borang P - Seksyen 17 Akta ).
    2. Bayaran Selepas pembicaraan :
      1. Bayaran perintah berdasarkan nilaian terkini harta simati ( seperti senarai harta simati di Borang Permohonan- Borang A Seksyen 8 Akta). Jika nilaian keseluruhan harta simati:    
        • RM1.00 hingga RM1,000.00 bayaran perintah adalah RM10.00, jika; 
        • RM1,001 hingga RM50,000 bayaran perintah adalah RM30.00, manakala jika;
        • nilaian adalah RM50,001 dan ke atas bayaran perintah adalah 0.2% dari nilaian harta si mati.
      2. RM30 bagi bayaran perintah permohonan berikutnya ( Seksyen 17 ) yang melibatkan permohonan seperti membatalkan Pemegang Amanah, Kaveat Pendaftar ataupun membatalkan Pentadbir. Jika melibatkan ketinggalan harta, bayaran perintah hendaklah mengikut nilaian harta terkini yang diselesaikan di bawah Seksyen 17 Akta ( Permohonan Berikutnya ) sahaja
      3. Jumlah bayaran bagi mendaftarkan perintah pembahagian dalam hakmilik tanah (geran) adalah mengikut peraturan -peraturan tanah negeri;
      4. Duti Harta Pusaka - (jika ada)  akan ditentukan di akhir pembicaraan mengikut nilai harta pada tarikh mati. Jumlah yang dikenakan tertakluk kepada peruntukan di bawah Akta Duti Harta Pusaka 1941.
      5. Salinan perintah pembahagian dibekalkan secara percuma bagi salinan pertama dan bayaran RM 5.00 dikenakan bagi salinan kedua dan seterusnya.
      6. Salinan perintah pembahagian yang diperlukan oleh mana-mana orang selain daripada pentadbir/ waris dikehendaki membayar RM 30.00 bagi salinan pertama dan RM 10.00 bagi salinan kedua dan seterusnya.
    3. Sekiranya ada rayuan ke Mahkamah Tinggi bayaran yang akan dikenakan adalah  seperti berikut:
      1. a)         RM 50.00  bagi bayaran  fee rayuan;
      2. b)         RM 1500.00 bagi bayaran deposit rayuan;
      3. c)         Bayaran menyediakan salinan dokumen yang dikehendaki bagi salinan pertama adalah RM30. Bagi salinan kedua dan seterusnya adalah RM10;
    4. Bayaran untuk mendapatkan salinan pertama Nota Pembicaraan RM30.00- bagi setiap Folio 100 patah perkataan atau sebahagian daripadanya dan RM 10.00 bagi salinan kedua/seterusnya setiap 100 patah perkataan atau sebahagian daripadanya.
    1. Di antara ciri-ciri istimewa  dalam pembahagian pusaka kecil ialah:
      1. Borang permohonan ( Borang A ) boleh didapati di Unit Pembahagian Pusaka Kecil atau Pejabat Tanah daerah;
      2. Pembicaraan boleh diadakan di Balai Raya/ Balai Penghulu Dewan Orang Ramai yang berhampiran dengan tanah peninggalan simati;
      3. Perkhidmatan peguam tidak diperlukan;
      4. Penyerahan/ penerimaan hak/ bahagian sesama waris boleh dibuat semasa pembicaraan dan tidak dikenakan apa - apa bayaran;
      5. Pembicaraan boleh dibuat di mana-mana daerah yang terdapatnya harta simati;
      6. Pembahagian boleh dibuat secara terus kepada waris simati dan suratkuasa tadbir hanya diberi dalam keadaan tertentu.


Strata Scheme
Strata scheme is a property development of buildings or land which are divided into parcels, accessory parcels and common property in which management system has been set up. For example, flats, apartments, condominiums, townhouses and landed houses in gated community schemes.
The Importance of Strata Title
Strata title is a proof of ownership for the purpose of dealings. For example, transfer, charge, lease and small estate distribution.
Common Property
Common property refers to any part of the lots which is not comprised in any parcel. For example, visitor parking, elevators, stairs, main tanks and guard house.
Accessory Parcel
Accessory parcel is any parcel which is used exclusively by the parcel proprietor. For example, car park that can only be used exclusively by the proprietor.
Right of Parcel Proprietor

  • To make dealings such as transfer, lease, mortgage, subdivide and amalgamate his parcels;
  • To vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and extraordinary general meeting conducted by the Management Corporation;
  • Rights on common property according to share units allotted;
  • Rights of support and service such as provision of water, sewage, drainage, electricity, garbage collection and other services;
  • Rights to examine records and accounts of the Management Corporation

Duties of Parcel Proprietor

  • To pay contributions to Management fund;
  • To comply with the by-laws currently in force;
  • To attend annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting;
  • To comply with any directives  issued by the public authorities / local authorities to the parcel owned

 Prohibitions for Parcel Proprietor

  • to use the parcel for any illegal purpose;
  • to use fuels which may give rise to smoke or stinking  smell;
  • to throw or drop any refuse or rubbish to the common property area;
  • to keep any animal in his parcel  which causes annoyance to any other proprietor.

Management Fund
The management fund is managed by the Management Corporation. It includes management fee / service charges of the common property, fire insurance premiums, special accounts and others.
Management Corporation
The Management Corporation is a corporate body which may prosecute or be prosecuted. It exists under the Strata Titles Act 1985 and does not need to be registered with the Registrar of Companies or the Registrar of Societies. It has a perpetual succession right.
Powers of Management Corporation

  • to determine any payment to be made by each parcel proprietor to the management fund
  • to purchase, hire or otherwise acquire movable property for the benefits of all the proprietors
  • to comply with any notices or orders given or made by public/statutory authorities to do anything on the common property;
  • to take action against parcel proprietor if he fails to comply with the directives within a certain period of time

Duties of Management Corporation

  • to manage and maintain the common property for the benefits of all parcel proprietors;
  • to insure the building from fire and other risks;
  • to pay insurance premiums and other prescribed rate;
  • to display the name and address of the Management Corporation at the entrance and provide a mail box;
  • to comply with any notice or instructions issued by local authorities in relation to common property

Lease of Federal Government Land  Federal Lands Commissioner (PTP) is the registered proprietor of land owned by Federation and as the Officer having the control of the Federal’s reserve lands. Department of the Director General Land and Mines (JKPTG) had been responsible for managing these lands in conjunction with the Federal Ministries/Departments of user (KJP) who using the land.
Nowadays, there are alienated lands and the Federal’s reserve land that have yet to be further developed with the planned development projects on some reasons. The Federal Government may lease such land to any parties who are qualified as follows for a period of not less than 3 years and not more than 99 years.
For Peninsular Malaysia, the lease period is not less than 3 years and not more than 99 years for alienated land and not more than 21 years of reserve land. For the lease on part of land, the term shall not exceed 30 years. For Sabah and Sarawak, the lease period is not less than one year but not exceeding the term of the lease granted to the Federal Lands Commissioner (PTP).
Lease application can be submitted in written directly to JKPTG. Each application received will be processed in accordance with JKPTG Lease Application Process Procedure as Land Leases Process Flow Chart used by this Department. An Agreement of Land Lease will be signed between the successful applicants with the PTP.
Parties eligible to apply:

  1. The statutory bodies / cooperation.
  2. Corporations / local companies which majority shares owned by Malaysian citizens.
  3. Bodies and organizations registered under the Societies Act 1960.
  4. No restriction in terms of the laws such as declared as bankrupt and etc.

Application procedure:
All applications must contain the following items:

  • Application letter together with applicant's full address and signed.
  • Purpose of leasing.


Status and details of the lease land applied as follows:

  • Lot No. / Building No.
  • Title No. / Reservation gazette No.
  • Mukim / Town/ City
  • District
  • State
  • Copy of the title
  • Latest official Search Result
  • Location Plan /Site plan

If the application from the company, need to enclose:

  • Copy of company registration certificate
  • Copy of article maa
  • Copy of form 24 dan 29
  • Copy of r.o.b.

All application must be submitted to JKPTG at the following address:
Section of th Federal Land Property
Level 2, Menara Block
Lot 4G3, Precinct 4
Federal Government Administrative Centre
Tel No. : 03-8871 2609
Fax No.: 03-8889 3855
Small Lease for Office Space / Buildings
Federal Lands Commissioner is responsible for signing  the lease agreement for land and buildings for the use of Federal Agencies in Sabah, Federal Territory of Labuan and Sarawak for more than one (1) year leasing period only. Procedures of standardized procedures and agreements can be found in the Federal Lands Commissioner Circular.

Federal Government through the Federal Lands Commissioner may give the Federal land tenancy by the powers provided under Section 4 of the Federal Lands Commissioner Act and Section 223 of the National Land Code (NLC) not exceeding three years and through certain provisions in the Sabah Land Ordinance and Sarawak Land Code a tenancy agreement with the tenant. The tenancy agreement need not be registered in the land title, except for tenancy agreements in Sabah and Sarawak must be registered in the land title.
Federal land tenancy is for a period of one (1) to three (3) years. As a land owner and the officer having the control of the federal reserved land, the Federal Lands Commissioner (PTP), through the Department of The Director General of Federal Land and Mines (JKPTG) will process the tenancy application after a review of KJP and KJP to submit comments as soon as possible. Tenancy agreement must be signed by the PTP and the tenant. To enable this tenancy business conducted with more transparency. Two (2) Committees has been established that:

  1. Committee of the Tenancy of Federal Land Located Outside the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur;
Committee by administrative was established since 2000 with membership as follows:
Chairman : Federal Lands Commissioner
Members : TKPTG (P);
Director of Section of Federal Land Property, JKPTG(P)
Secretatariat : Section of Enforcement and Federal Revenue (SPHP)
  1. Committee of the Federal Land Tenancy in Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur;
Cabinet at its meeting on June 14, 2006 has directed the establishment of the Committee on the membership consists of:
Chairman : Federal Lands Commissioner
Members : Ministry of Finance;
Ministry of Federal Territories;
Ministry / Department of User;
Property Management Division, Department of the Prime Minister;
Lands and Mines Office of Federal Territory Kuala Lumpur;
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL);
Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH);
Secretariat : JKPTG (SPHP)


Application for Tenancy of Federal Land Property only for the following purposes:

  • To carry out agricultural activities or business
  • Extraction of agricultural products, such as latex, oil palm fruits, etc.;
  • Tenancy of space premises / building of the Federal Government;
  • Extraction of rock material; and
  • Extraction timber products eg rubberwood, timber and so on.


The Tenancy of Federal Building Space is for a period of one (1) to three (3) years. The Ministry /Department of user (KJP) whose governing the Federal building can manage, process and approve applications for tenancy of building space under it’s controls.  Once approval is granted, KJP must submit the following matters to JKPTG (SPHP): 

  • Tenancy agreement has been signed by the tenant; and JPPH valuation report; 
  • Letter of approval from the Ministry / Department of user (KJP);

PTP as Land Owner for the alienated land and the Officer having the control of the federal reserved land, hereby only PTP can sign the Agreement in respect of Building Space Tenancy.

Federal Land Tenancy Application Procedure:
Federal land tenancy application may be submitted in writing directly to JKPTG. All applications received will be processed in accordance with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) JKPTG as Flow Chart of the Federal Land Tenancy Application. A Land Tenancy Agreement will be signed between the successful applicants with the PTP. Monthly payment of federal land tenancy can be made online at the website JKPTG  http://www.kptg.gov.my/

Parties eligible to apply:

  • Statutory bodies / cooperatives;
  • Corporation / companies with a majority of its shares owned by a Malaysian citizen;
  • Bodies and organizations registered under the Societies Act 1960;
  • Individuals;
  • No restriction in terms of the laws as declared as bankruptcy and etc.



Application procedures:

All applications must contain the following items:


Status and details of land applied for tenancy as follows:

  • Lot No./ building No.
  • Title No./ Gazette reservation No.
  • Mukim / town/ city
  • District
  • State
  • Copy of the title
  • Latest Official Search Result
  • Location plan / site plan


If the application from the company, need to enclose:
  • Copy of company registration certificate
  • Copies of articles MAA
  • Copies of forms 24 and 29



 All applications must be submitted to JKPTG at the following address:

(Federal Land Property Section (BHTP)
Level 2, Podium 1,
Lot 4G3, Precinct 4,
Federal Government Administrative Centre,
No. Tel. : 03-88712000
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Aras 4, Podium 1, Wisma Sumber Asli
No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4,
62574 Putrajaya
No. Telefon : +603 8000 8000
Faks              : +603 8889 3855
Email : pertanyaan[@]jkptg.gov.my


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